Fall 2024 - Change is in the air!! Project Ellie is now focusing on gift cards and socks because storing all of the items for gift bags became an issue. We are super excited to continue to support individuals experiencing homelessness with the two items they most appreciate: Gift cards and socks! Lots more to come!
Our best sock drive ever took place at the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell in Lowell, MA during fall 2023! Students and staff there collected 2,713 pairs of socks. Their grand total greatly increased when Bombas chipped in (Check out Bombas socks. They donate a pair of socks for every pair they sell!)
December 2023
A group of Boston women gathered to create hundreds of gift bags for Pine Street Inn’s outreach vans and for homeless, at-risk and runaway youth at Bridge Over Troubled Waters.
Spring 2023
Our Gather for Good fundraising event supporting the Michelle and Patti Collaborative was inspiring and energetic! Well-loved yoga instructor, David Vendetti, led a heart opening all levels yoga class to a fabulous group of attendees!
Keep and Eye Out!
More to Come!!!!!